Charlton delivers the full package for Ovenden’s new super – spec tippers
Monday, 9th July 2018

Kent – based Ovenden Tipper Services has turned to Charlton for its latest batch of tippers, a key reason for this being that Charlton could source and install every part of Ovenden’s particularly high bodywork specification.
Carried by Scania ‘Next Generation’ XT chassis with G cabs and 13 litre 410hp engines, Ovenden chose lightweight all – steel curved floor Charlton SuperLite bodies fitted with air operated automatic tailgates to provide an ideal blend of strength, payload capacity and practicality.
To complete the vehicles, each truck also features an Edbro TS32 underfloor tipping gear, a weather – sealed Shurco front to back sliding sheeting system (with full remote control), a rearward facing ‘traffic light’ load weighing display mounted at the front of the body and a Brigade 360 degree ‘birds eye’ camera system (including a view straight into the tipper body) – with everything being supplied and fitted by Charlton.
Company director Alex Ovenden says:
“As a complete package, our latest tippers are pretty much unbeatable. We’ve gone for a higher spec than ever this time around, with the really big bonus being that Charlton supplies and fits everything we ask for. Andrew (Andrew Gunn, Sales Director) and Edd (Edd Bromley, Production Manager) are just so easy to deal with. I sat down with them and detailed what we wanted, to get everything perfect from tipping angles to finished paint. And everything was delivered on budget, on time.”
Portraying a first class image in the company’s highly distinctive red and yellow colour scheme, Ovenden’s new trucks are some of the first Charlton – bodied Scania XT’s operating in the South East, regularly covering not just the company’s tipper work in Kent but also working in London and around the M25.
Alex adds:
“Our tipper work is changing, with higher demand for both recycled concrete and on-site earthworks projects, and the new trucks have been designed and specified to reflect that. We continue to run some alloy bodies, but what you gain in extra payload you lose in durability.
We need trucks that can handle any job that comes along, and these lightweight steel SuperLites give us exactly that capability.”
With the first of the new trucks now out on the road, driver Paul Bradford is also mightily impressed.
Paul says:
“Of course, who wouldn’t want to drive a new G – cab XT? But the fact is that it’s the whole vehicle that really matters. I much prefer the underfloor tipping gear, both for its extra stability and higher angle of tip. The sheeting system is also great because I can open and close it by full remote control whether I’m inside or outside of the cab.
Overloading is now a thing of the past too because the body – mounted traffic light display system immediately tells the excavator driver when the maximum limit’s been reached. All small things perhaps, but taken together they speed up the job and make the truck that bit more efficient.”
Speaking for Charlton, Andrew Gunn says
“Whilst we’re delighted to have one of our leading local tipper operators come over to Charlton, we’re particularly pleased to have worked with Ovenden to give them a notably higher and more innovative vehicle specification. Charlton prides itself in being able to provide its customers with exactly the vehicles they require, with us doing all the work required to deliver a vehicle fully finished and immediately ready for work.”